Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New {School} Year Resolutions


Teaching Maddennes is hosting a great Linky Party for New {School} Year Resolutions.
We all have them, why not share them?

**I completed this post and attempted to publish it 8 times, before Blogger decided to erase the post completely, so this is the shortened version**

1. Stay Ahead of the Game
As a frist year teacher who started a month into the school year, with only one weekend for set up, I always felt that I was just one page ahead of the students.  This year I will know much more about the curriculum, what to expect, what the students should know etc.... I hope to feel like I am swimming in the race not just treading water. 

2. Document, Document, Document
I previously worked as a concierge/secretary so I tend to transcribe practically every phone call and interaction I have.  This is true in my classroom as well, but my short coming is being consistent with my methods of documentation and not losing it! I am also constantly changing my systems so this school year I strive to find one system and stick to it for the ENTIRE year.

3. Snap Those Pictures
I try to take pictures of any *fun* activities and special days, but I fail to capture everyday life in the classroom.  This year I want to make sure that I get more of the everyday.  

4. Have A Voice
My school is very team-centric. I have gone with the flow thus far with little objection.  This year I want to be open to adding my input, even with opposition.  I want to take ownership in my school as an extension of myself not just the place I work. 

5. Immerse Myself in Professional Literature
I want to be able to validate the decisions I make in my classroom each day.  I work at a wonderful school with an amazing team, but often I bring new ideas that are not widely accepted because I am the new kid and some of the ideas I bring are more time consuming than the veteran teachers would like. I want to show the research and reviews that back up the choices I am making each day.  

Hope you will link up and share your New {school} Year Resolutions!


Louise Morgan said...

Great goals. There is a fine line between being too vocal and not vocal enough. I try to to get it just right, but sometimes it's difficult. Good luck and have a great school year!

Amanda Madden said...

So glad you joined the linky party! I'm sure you will feel much more "ahead of the game" this year! Here's to finding your voice - and keeping these resolutions! :)

Teaching Maddeness
PS...I'm your newest follower!

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Thank you for sharing with the Bonanza!