I know there are many of you who are already back in school, and others of you are still weeks away. I have been in my classroom since Monday Morning just a working away. And I feel like I have accomplished absolutely NOTHING. But I am sure that is how we all feel at times. On the last day of school in the Spring I was asked to move classrooms, which was not a big deal to me but MAN at the extra work I am putting in now. I (along with my teammates) packed up my entire classroom and shoved everything into cabinets and on top of countertops. We have a new janitorial staff this year and they are amazing and thorough, but that meant our floors weren't finished until this week.
Since this is my second year I have MANY changes I want to make and unfortunately I am one of *those* people who feel like they have to do everything at once, which is making classroom set up drag on FOREVER. I have a few classroom shots to share. Please excuse the clutter. I cannot organize until I can lay out everything in front of me. Seriously Monday-Thursday my classroom looks WORSE!
This was Monday Morning....A blank slate. All of my chairs and book shelves were being held hostage inside the desk fort. I had to move ALL the desks to get to what I needed. :) Twas Lovely.
All the rain had me a bit sleepy distracted
By the end of the day I had atleast gotten all my furniture cleaned and semi-arranged.
Tuesday I was not in the Creative Mode of Functioning....I played and crafted the day away and made quite a mess :(
(Bad Mrs. Brown)
Twenty two sets of letter tiles for my cuties.... I have big plans for these little letters. We had purchased these little chalkboards for our wedding, but we never used them. SO I turned them into table points boards...
Our students have a Take Home Folder and a Planner for each day. Last year I spent SO much time trying to keep these in order, stuffing materials in them, and distributing them at the end of the day. So this year each student has a hanging folder they will pick up in the morning and take to their seat along with their folder and planner. I will check folders and planners during morning work, then as I call roll, students will return their hanging file to the basket. I will also use these as student mailboxes, they will take the entire folder to their desk at dismissal and take the entire contents home each day. Hopefully this will solve the problem of me having to open and stuff each folder twice a day. More responsibility for students, less for me :)
New Fleece Feet. I found this idea somewhere, but cannot remember if it was yours please take credit. We all have the yucky tennis ball feet I despise, so I traded mine out for fleece squares. I know these will pick up dust and hair, but I doubt they will magically fall off and bounce across the room, or pop off near as much as the tennis balls. **Fleece was $3.47 a yard at Wal-Mart, and 1 yard was enough for every chair in my room** Simply cannot beat that!
Boy do I know how to leave a mess behind.
Today I did not take any pictures :( boo!
But the laminator was finally up and running. So that is where I spent my morning. The blisters on my fingers are a testimony to all the cutting I spent my afternoon doing. I hope to wrap up a few projects and share tomorrow!
Hope everyone's Rooms are coming together in wonderfully, color coordinated,theme matching, uber- organized harmony.
--Mrs. Brown
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Thank you for sharing with the Bonanza!