Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Do you "Cute-sy It Up?"

Yes I realize "Cute-sy" is by no means a word, but admit it....we've all used it at some point. 
Why do you “CUTE-SY IT UP?” is a question I hear A LOT. 
 Simply stated: Cute is my love language.
As a new teacher and blogger is it easy to become so overwhelmed by the amazing work going on in other classrooms.  Blogging has opened up the doors into so many other classrooms and access to wonderful resources. Seeing such can and often does make me self conscious about my teaching and my classroom.  
Blogs, Pinterest, TPT, and TN flood our minds with fantastic ideas and we feel like we have to do it all and be it all.  I am blessed to work at a school overflowing with astonishing educators but there is a clear difference I have seen.  The CUTE level.  Mrs. Kelly Stamps over at Kelly’s Korner once hosted a discussion of the differences in regions.  How us Southern girls tend to be a little over the top with things like decoration and coordination etc.  It had never crossed my mind that that’s not how everyone does things.  On my Teaching Team I am the baby in age as well as in experience, I am also the only Native Southerner.  I am in no way saying that has anything to do with it, its more likely due to personal style.  But, there are many things we are required by the district to have in our classrooms and naturally there are variances in how we go about it.  My Team finds it hilarious that I spend the extra time to change fonts and add layers of color to each and every aspect.  I already catch a lot of flack (lovingly) but they attribute this *cute* factor to my being new.  There is much more to it than that.  Cute is my love language.  Taking the extra time, effort and money is my way of showing others I care; even the little cuties in my class.  My school is beyond diverse; we have over 15 nationalities and languages represented among less than 700 students.  In addition to that we have SESs from both ends of the spectrum.  All of these factors lead to a wide variety of home experiences.  I want to build unity at school at least.  So I always try to go overboard with things.  I often take for granted that I had parents who read with me, did craft projects, listened to me, and celebrated my birthday(sometimes extravagantly).  These are not experiences many of my children have had, so I feel that it is my duty as a teacher of the whole child to show them they are valued by me. 
As we embark on this new school year what is your approach?  Why do you do things the way you do?
Is it for the personal satisfaction of having everything look nice? Is it to appeal to student interest and keep attention? Or do you do it for some other reason?
Why do you “CUTESY IT UP” ?


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Thank you for sharing with the Bonanza!